Curtis Center opportunities

Are you interested in pursuing a career in K-12 education?! The Curtis Center is excited to provide the following opportunities for undergraduates in the mathematics department interested in pursuing a career in K-12 education. The opportunities below are only available to eligible 3rd and 4th year undergraduates in the mathematics department.

                1. Math for LA Scholarship: Deadline is November 19th at 11:59pm Only Junior students accepted into the Integrated Pathway and Senior students in either the Math for Teaching Major/Minor or in the Joint Math Education Pathway are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The scholarship is an opportunity for undergraduates to create your own lesson with original intellectual property where you facilitate student understanding of why a particular piece of mathematics is true or how a particular piece of mathematics is used by people. For more information, and to apply, visit:

                2. Joint Mathematics Education Pathway: Deadline is December 1st, 2021 Students who complete the coursework in this pathway will: 1) Work towards a CA teaching credential senior year and summer after graduation, 2) Begin working full time with a full-time salary after graduation, and 3) Complete a Master’s in Education by the following June. Undergraduate students apply for this pathway during Fall quarter of their Junior year. For more information, and to apply, visit:

                3. Integrated Pathway: Deadline is December 1st, 2021 Students who complete the coursework in this pathway will: 1) Earn a CA teaching credential upon graduation and 2) Begin working full time with a full-time salary after graduation. Undergraduate students typically apply for this pathway during Spring quarter of their sophomore year, but this year the application has reopened for current Juniors to apply. For more information, and to apply, visit:

For any additional questions, please reach out to Julian Rojas at

2300 Murphy Hall - Box 951438 - Los Angeles, CA 90095-1438 © 2018