Good Clothes Good People (GCGP)

Good Clothes Good People is a basic needs organization with the goal of providing UCLA students with hygiene products and school supplies funded by the GCGP Basic Needs Referendum. Through our Basic Needs Requests Form for Spring 2021, UCLA undergraduates can log in through their school email account, open this request form, and choose from a UCLA store gift card, various individual items from Amazon (you can input your own items!), a prepackaged bundle of items, or a CVS gift card. Students can use the request form once per quarter. If you are in need of any school supplies for next quarter or hygiene products, please fill it out and send the link to your friends!

We are trying to help as many Bruins as possible during these stressful times! Here is the link to the form:

The form is open from now until May 8th, and more info on it, including when to expect items, can be found on our Instagram and

2300 Murphy Hall - Box 951438 - Los Angeles, CA 90095-1438 © 2018