Hello Bruins! 

Ignite is a non-partisan political club here at UCLA designed to empower women who want to become the next generation’s political leaders. Through our weekly meetings and guest speakers whom discuss various topics like reproductive justice and sexual harassment, we want to ensure that all women are given the tools they need to actively engage in politics. Ignite also provides networking opportunities to exchange information about jobs, internships, and fellowships. These opportunities  will be incredibly beneficial to those who have interest in pursuing a career in public policy. 

We’re currently accepting member applications and you can apply to be a member using this link below. All years, majors, and genders are welcome to apply!

Application: https://forms.gle/6BuWk7RQRFgE7L5Y8

We’re looking forward to reading about where your political passions lay and how we, as a club, can do to support you in your political endeavors. 

In the meantime, check out our social media links listed below and feel free to email us with any questions or concerns.

Instagram: @igniteatucla

Website: https://ignitebruinsucla.wixsite.com/-ucla

Facebook: @Igniteatucla Email: ignite.bruins.ucla@gmail.com