Math Town Hall for Undergraduates – Tuesday, October 20th
TO: Undergraduate students in Mathematics
Join Mathematics Department Chair, Professor Mario Bonk, and Undergraduate Vice Chairs, Professors Mike Hill and Don Blasius, at a virtual town hall meeting next week on Tuesday, October 20th, 4-5:30PM Pacific Time. We know this is an unprecedented time, and there are bound to be a lot of things on your mind. This is an opportunity for Professors Bonk, Hill, and Blasius to hear from you and respond to your questions.
Please share your thoughts below. One way to provide your input and receive responses to your concerns is if you communicate them before the event.
- Can you describe a time you felt supported by the Department or in a math class?
- Can you describe a time when you felt unsupported or unheard by the Department or in a math class?
- What are some things you have liked about your classes or the Department?
- What are some things you would like to see happen/change in the Department in the next year?
If you prefer, you may also provide comments using this Google Form:
Please submit all issues, questions, concerns, and comments by Sunday, October 18th.
We appreciate your input.
Zoom Coordinates:
Topic: Math Town Hall for Undergraduates
Time: Oct 20, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 987 0492 3851
Passcode: 192355
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