Thinking of Applying to Graduate School or Research Opportunities?
Thinking of applying to graduate school in math? Curious about undergraduate research opportunities?
You’re in the right place!
What’s happening? A panel discussion with current math graduate students on the process of applying
to graduate school and to undergraduate research programs, including Research Experiences for
Undergraduates (REUs).
When is it? Tuesday, January 12, from 5pm to 6pm Pacific Time.
Where is it? On Zoom. The meeting ID is 961 8042 9166.
Who’s hosting it? The UCLA Women in Mathematics (WIM) group.
Who’s it for? Undergraduate students of all genders who are wondering about graduate school or
research in math!
What if I have questions? Please reach out to us at ! Also, please
be sure to fill out our undergraduate survey at so that you
can be added to our mailing list to be notified about future events.
Can I submit questions for the panel ahead of time? Yes! Please use the following link to submit panel
questions by Friday, January 8: