UMSA Fall General Meeting & Interest Form
Fall General Meeting 2020 We welcome all those interested in joining UMSA to attend our Fall General Meeting, where we share information about what we do as a club, our events planned for this quarter, and how we aim to assist you in your endeavors. Whether it’s finding the right classes or major, applying to graduate school, or seeking career-related opportunities, UMSA hopes to be a valuable resource for all our members. Of course, it’s worth mentioning that despite our being math majors, we do try to reasonably socialize, so we do host socials as well, even though this year most events will take place online. Date: Monday, October 5, 2020 Time: 6 PM Zoom Link: Facebook Event UMSA Interest Form If you are interested in joining UMSA as a member in the 2020-2021 academic year, please click the link below to access the respective form. We will be adding any new people to our emailing list, so be sure to fill out the form if you want to receive information about future events from us! *Please only complete this form if you have never done so before. Interest Form Mercer Career Opportunities Mercer, one of the companies that will be present at UMSA’s Career Fair this year, has many different opportunities coming up for students to connect with them besides the career fair itself. Please view the following file to find further information and their full calendar: Mercer PDF |