Assistant Professor Pavel Galashin receives National Science Foundation Career Award

UCLA assistant professor of mathematics Pavel Galashin has won the 2021 Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation. This is one of two early career awards Galashin has recently received, as he was also selected for the prestigious 2021 Sloan Fellowship in February.

The National Science Foundation CAREER awards, presented by the National Science Foundation (NSF), are in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their organization. The award recipient receives a grant of a minimum of $400,000 for a five year period.

Galashin’s project is focused on connections between algebraic combinatorics and other areas of math and physics, such as knot theory, statistical mechanics, and the physics of scattering amplitudes. The funds will be used to facilitate various combinatorics related activities at UCLA, and to increase graduate and undergraduate student participation in the field. To learn more, visit the NSF website here.

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