
Major, Pre-major, Minor, Specialization, or College

We will accept your email as a digital signature. There is no need to scan, print, or convert your PDFs to sign any required forms. See the drop-downs below for directions on specific petitions.

In addition to meeting pre-major, major, or minor requirementsall students, regardless of academic standing (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) must complete at least one academic quarter (fall, winter, or spring) at UCLA before declaring into a pre-major, major, or minor. Completion of an academic quarter means ALL your grades (for major and non-major courses) are posted on DARS. If any courses are still In Progress in your first quarter at UCLA, your petition will be denied, and you will have to resubmit it once ALL grades are posted.

STEP 1: 
Email Title:
LastName, FirstName UID Program Change.

  • Example: Bruin, Joe 000000000 Program Change
    • NOT Bruin, Joe 000000000 Declare Applied MathEmails without “Program Change” in the title may get lost in our emails.

STEP 2: 
Email Body:
State your current program and proposed program.

  • Example: I am a pre-applied math major and would like to declare the applied math major.

Send the email to It typically takes 2-3 weeks to process your petition.


Students petitioning into Pre-Data Theory or Data Theory need to submit BOTH forms: Undergraduate Program Change Petition and Degree Plan Contract (DPC).

STEP 1: Create your course plan. Use Planning your Coursework with DARS and the course table below as a guide.

    • In your DPC, include courses from the CURRENT TERM in which you’re enrolled and any remaining terms you have left at UCLA.
    • Make sure to consider the prerequisites to each course.
    • You do not need to check mark “Type of Contract.”
11 Pre-major Courses

See Mathematics Prerequisites and Statistics Prerequisites.

CourseOffered in the following quarters
Math 31A
Math 31B
Math 32A
Math 32B
Math 33A
Stats 10
Math 115A
Stats 20
Fall, Winter, Spring
Math 42
Stats 21
Fall and Spring
16 Major Courses

See Mathematics Prerequisites and Statistics Prerequisites.

CourseTypically Offered in the following quarters
Math 131A
Math 156
Math 170E or Stats 100A
Math 170S or Stats 100B
Fall, Winter, Spring
Math 118Fall and Winter
Stats 101A
Stats 102B
Stats 101CFall
Stats 102A
Math or Stats M148
Stats 147
Stats 184

1 Upper Div Math Elective (Math UD)

  • Math 164 (prereq of Math 156)

1 Upper Div Stats Elective (Stats UD)
2 Upper Div Math/Stats Electives (Math/Stats UD)

Elective options vary by quarter. Please only specify when you will take Math 164. For the 3 othe electives, simply list as “Stats UD” or “Math UD” in your plan.


Email Title: LastName, FirstName UID Program Change

  • Example: Bruin, Joe 000000000 Program Change
    • NOT Bruin, Joe 000000000 Declare Data Theory. Emails without “Program Change” in the title may get lost in our emails.

Email Body: State your current program and proposed program.
Example: I am a pre-applied math major and would like to declare the applied math major.


Send to: Send your email. It typically takes 2-3 weeks to process your petition.

STEP 1: Read about the double major petition process with College of Letters & Science here.

STEP 2: Fill out Departmental Approval for Double Major/Minor and Degree Plan Contract found in Step 1.

  • Students outside the College of Letters & Sciences (eg. HSSEAS, School of Music, etc.): Consult with your primary major advisor first for the forms necessary.

STEP 3: Obtain signatures from both major/minor departments.

  • For Math Department Signatures:
    1. Email Title: LastName, FirstName UID Program Change
      Example: Bruin, Joe 000000000 Program Change
      • NOT Bruin, Joe 000000000 Declare Applied MathEmails without “Program Change” in the title may get lost in our emails.
    2. Email Body: Include in the email body your primary major and which secondary major you would like to declare.
      Example: I am a Computer Science major and would like to double major in Pure Math.
    3. Send to: It typically takes 2-3 weeks to process your petition.
  • For Other Department Signatures: Check the website of your other major department to find their preferred communication platform.

STEP 4: Once you get approval signatures from both major departments, send your forms to the College through Message Center for final approval.

  • Students outside the College of Letters & Sciences (eg. HSSEAS, School of Music, etc.): Send the forms back to your primary major advisor.

Example: You want to switch out of the School of Engineering and into the College of Letters and Sciences.

STEP 1: Click here to read about the process of switching into the College of Letters & Science.

STEP 2: Fill out the forms found in Step 1.

STEP 3: Email the form(s) to Math Student Services for approval signatures.

  1. Email Title: LastName, FirstName UID Program Change
    Example: Bruin, Josie 000000000 Program Change
    • NOT Bruin, Joe 000000000 Declare Applied Math. Emails without “Program Change” in the title may get lost in our emails.
  2. Email Body: I am a [] major, and I would like to switch to the [] major.
    Example: I am a Computer Science major, and I would like to switch to the Mathematics of Computation major.
  3. Send to: It typically takes 2-3 weeks to process your petition.

STEP 4: After receiving approval signatures from the Math Department, send your forms to the College through Message Center for final approval.

Transferring Credits

Previously known as Course Equivalency Petition.

Use the Transfer Credit Petition to have courses outside of the UCLA Mathematics Department (within or outside of UCLA) evaluated as equivalent to UCLA’s mathematics or programming in computing (PIC) courses.


Subject Title: LastName, FirstName UID Transfer Credit Petition

Bruin, Joe 123456789 Transfer Credit Petition


Email Body: State your major and list which courses you’d like evaluated.

I’m an Mathematics of Computation pre-major, and I’d like the following courses evaluated:

1. CIS 22A at De Anza College for PIC 10A at UCLA

2. Math 5A at UC Irvine for Math 3A at UCLA

3. Math 2085 at Louisiana State University for Math 33A at UCLA


Attach the course syllabus. Syllabus should be detailed with a breakdown of topics covered every week, course description, grading scheme, exam modality, and textbook used.

We typically cannot evaluate a course based on the description alone. If you only have the course description, please reach out to an instructor of the course for a detailed syllabus.


Send the email petition to

Disclaimer: We try to get back to students within 4 weeks. Due to a high volume of TCP’s there can be frequent delays. We HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to find a course that is already listed on TRANSFEROLOGY or ASSIST as equivalent to a course at UCLA.

Q: How do I know who is instructing the course?
A: Each institution has a website that shows the instructors for a given quarter as well as a page that includes their email for contact.

Q: Does the syllabus have to be from the instructor that I took the course with/am planning to take the course with?
A: No. The syllabus can be from any instructor of that course who is teaching within the same school year.

Summer Session

Please email Summer Session petitions to info[at]

Late Add Petition can only be used after Week 2 when all waitlisted students have been enrolled.

Petitions FAQ

Program Change Petitions

All Math Pre-Majors, Majors, Minors, & Specialization
  • Students must be in good academic standing at the time of their declaration and must have completed at least one regular quarter (fall, winter, or spring with a minimum of 12.0 units) at UCLA before declaring into a program (pre-major, major, minor, & specialization).
  • ALL courses toward the program be taken for letter grades.
  • Single majors must declare by 160.0 units. This is a soft deadline. If you are progressing in your major and can graduate within your Time to Degree (TTD), then you should be able to declare the major. However, all students who are over 150.0 units in the “Minimum 180 UC Units for a UCLA Degree” section on DARS will have to have final approval of the College in order to declare. 
  • Change of program may be denied if student is under academic probation or in their last quarter at UCLA.
All Math Majors (Except the Three Specified Below)
  • Mathematics preparation (pre-major) courses for mathematics majors must be passed with a “C” or better and an overall pre-major GPA of 2.5. Non-math pre-major courses can be finished after declaring.
Data Theory
  • All pre-major courses must be passed with a “C” or better and an minimum pre-major GPA of 3.3. Math 115A is included as a pre-major course and must be passed with a “C” or better.
  • Students who are admitted as transfers must complete ALL pre-major coursework by the end of their 3rd academic quarter (spring quarter) at UCLA.
  • Students who are admitted as freshmen must complete ALL pre-major coursework by the end of their 7th academic quarter (fall quarter of third year) at UCLA.
Financial Actuarial Mathematics
  • Each pre-major course must be passed with a “C” or better. Pre-major GPAs for mathematics and economics courses are calculated separately, and both pre-major GPAs must meet a minimum 2.5.
  • Each pre-major course must be passed with a “C” or better. Pre-major GPAs for mathematics and economics courses are calculated separately, and both pre-major GPAs must meet a minimum 2.7.
Double Majors (Source)
  • Complete all pre-major coursework for both majors.
  • Complete at least two upper division courses for each major. The two upper division courses can be shared between the two majors. E.g., Math 170E and 170S can be used as the two upper division courses for both Applied Mathematics and Statistics & Data Science.
Mathematics Minor
  • Complete a minimum of 12.0 units of math courses at UCLA*. Of the 12.0 math units at UCLA, at least one course must be upper division. 
  • Any lower division courses taken for the minor must be complete with a “C” or better. Any upper division courses taken for the minor must meet a minimum GPA of 2.0. 
    *Non-math courses (E.g., Stats 100AB) do not count toward the minor.
    *Math courses from other institutions can be used toward a math minor, but student must still complete a minimum of 12.0 math courses AT UCLA before declaring.
Math for Teaching Minor
  • Complete Math 115A.
  • All courses taken for the minor meet the minimum letter grade and GPA requirements.
  • Complete at least one regular quarter (fall, winter, spring) in good academic standing at UCLA with at least 12.0 units.
Specialization in Computing
  • Complete PIC 10A and 10B or CS 31 and 32 with a “C-” or better in each course and minimum 2.0 GPA in the specialization.

Submit your petition once all pre-major grades have been posted on DARS. Your petition will stay in the queue and will be processed 2-3 weeks.

In addition to meeting minimum pre-major course requirements, all students must have completed at least one academic quarter (fall, winter, or spring) at UCLA with at least 12.0 units and be in good academic standing. If it is currently your first academic quarter at UCLA, submit your petition once your fall quarter grades have been posted on DARS.

Students who are in progress for their first academic quarter at UCLA OR in progress for their last pre-major requirements will be denied the petition. 

If you are over 150.0 units of UCLA, transferred, and AP coursework in the “MINIMUM 180 UNITS FOR A UCLA DEGREE” section of DARS, your math advisor will submit a 150.0+ Petition on your behalf to the College of Letters & Sciences. This is for the College to check your non-major related requirements to make sure you are on track to graduate.

The 150.0+ Petition with the College can take an additional 15 business days on top of the Math Department’s processing time.

It typically takes 2-3 weeks for the Math Department to process your petition.

If you are submitting your petition during finals week because you are currently taking your last pre-major courses, your petition will be processed 2-3 weeks AFTER your final grades for the quarter have been posted because we need to see your grade. 

If you have 150.0 or more earned and in progress units in the “MINIMUM 180 UC UNITS FOR A UCLA DEGREE” section of your DARS, your petition will have go through a final approval from your College advising unit. This process is required in order for your college to make sure you will graduate on time. This process takes up to 15 business days, and there’s nothing you need to do on your end. Once the College finishes processing your petition and makes a decision, you will be able to find the status on MyUCLA under the Petitions tab. We will also notify you via email regarding your petition status.

1. Model Your DARS
  1. Go to DARS.
  2. Click Run Audit.
  3. Click “Select a Different Program.” 
  4. Select “College of Letters and Science – LS” and the term in which you plan to declare.
  5. Select your prospective program. This is called “modeling your DARS.” You can model three different majors and two minors to compare different major requirements all at once.
  6. Click Run Different Program. This will show you your pre-major and major course requirements. You can click on the courses to see its description and prerequisites.
2. Check the Tentative Schedule
  • Use our Tentative Schedule to see when we plan to offer each course. We try to keep our offerings as consistent as possible each year. Use the current school year’s tentative schedule as a soft guide to plan every quarter, but please remember that things may change based on our resources.
3. Fill Out the Degree Plan Contract
  • Fill in the Degree Plan Contract (DPC), using the list of courses from DARS and the tentative schedule. Remember that some courses have prerequisites and are offered in specific quarters.
    • List specific course numbers if the course is EXPLICITLY listed for your major.
      • E.g., Math 115A and 131A are specifically listed for every major. Math students should explicitly list Math 115A and 131A in their plan.
      • If you are listing a specific class, make sure you know what the prerequisites are. You can find prerequisites by clicking on the class name. A course catalog will pop up in a new window with details on the prerequisites and course description.
    • Upper division electives just need to be listed as “[Subject] UD.”
      • E.g., The math of computation major requires “6 upper division math electives” and “3 upper division computer science electives.” Math of Comp students should just list “Math UD” 6 times and “CS UD” 3 times in their plan.
4. Have an Advisor Review Your Plan

Transfer Credit PETITIONS

Previously known as Course Equivalency Petition.

Use the Transfer Credit Petition to have courses outside of the UCLA Mathematics Department (within or outside of UCLA) evaluated as equivalent to UCLA’s mathematics or programming in computing (PIC) courses.

Please check* or** to see if the course at the other institution is listed as transferable to UCLA. Assist and Transferology.

Submit a Transfer Credit Petition if

  1. Assist or Transferology does not have information about the non-UCLA class’s transferability to UCLA
  2. Transferology states that the non-UCLA class will transfer in as Math T******
  3. You already took the class and transferred it to UCLA Admission, but it did not transfer into DARS as you intended
For Cases 1 and 2, we HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to find a course that is already listed on TRANSFEROLOGY as equivalent to a course at UCLA as there is a very long processing time for CEPs.

*Assist: This site is the official course transfer and articulation system for California’s public community college and university systems. Assist lists California community college courses that are UC transferable. 

**Transferology: This site helps you determine if prior coursework is transferable from one UC campus to another or from a non-California institution to a UC. A non-UCLA course is transferrable to UCLA if it lists the specific UCLA course name and number. 

We only evaluate math and programming in computing (PIC) petitions. If you need your course or AP Exam score evaluated for other subjects (eg. statistics, economics, physics, chemistry, etc.), you will need to contact the respective departments. If these non-math/PIC courses are being applied to your math major, please make sure the departments that approve your petition leave a note in your Record of Interview (ROI) for math advisors to see.

If you are petitioning:
  • CS 31, 32, and 33 or 35L for PIC 10A, 10B and 10C
    • We will accept CS 31, 32, and 33 or 35L in lieu of PIC 10A, 10B, and 10C, respectively. You don’t need to submit a petition. If you need PIC 10ABC for your math major or specialization, these course substitutions will be applied to your DARS by Friday of Week 7 of your LAST quarter at UCLA. Please run a new DARS audit on Monday of Week 8 and visit us virtually or in person if these course substitutions have not been applied.

Math/PIC TCP: If your petition is approved, a math advisor will add a note to your Record of Interview (ROI).

Other Subjects: If your non-math/PIC course (e.g., physics, chemistry, economics) was reviewed and approved by another department, please make sure they write a note in your ROI for your major advisor to see.

Please keep in mind that having a TCP approved is only a preliminary approval. The course can only officially count in place of a UCLA course once you send your transcript to UCLA Admissions and it is processed with unit credits.

Transcripts should be sent to:
UCLA Undergraduate Admission
1147 Murphy Hall
Box 951436 
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1436

For more information, see Transferring Credits to UCLA.


For students who are in the Math Department: Course substitutions will be applied to your DARS by Friday of Week 7 of your LAST quarter at UCLA. Please run a new DARS audit on Monday of Week 8 and visit us virtually or in person if these course substitutions have not been applied.

For students who are non-math majors: Changes to your DARS is up to your departmental advisor. Please ask them when they will apply your course substitutions.

Students should follow these guidelines to have courses considered for credit:

  • Attend a regionally accredited U.S. college or university, or a recognized international university
  • Take academic courses substantially similar to those offered by the University of California
  • Take all courses in proper sequence
  • Not take courses that repeat material already completed in another college- or university-level course
  • Not take courses concurrently with enrollment in UCLA regular-session (fall, winter, spring) courses
  • See “I plan to take a course at another institution to fulfill a UCLA course requirement.”

Source: UCLA Registrar


If you are declared into a math program (major, minor, or specialization) and DARS is not recognizing some of your completed coursework for the program, please check below to see if these scenarios apply to you.

 **ALL courses toward a math program be taken for letter grades.**

I took…
  1. CS 31, 32, and 33 in lieu of PIC 10A, 10B, and 10C, respectively
  2. Math 170E and 170S in lieu of Math 170A and 170B, respectively
  3. PIC 16B for the specialization in computing
  4. An IB Math exam. I have written approval (via email or Message Center) that I will be waived from Math 31A and/or Math 31B.
  5. An equivalent course to one of the Math/PIC courses. My Transfer Credit Petitionwas approved (in writing, via email, or Message Center) for that course.
  6. A graduate course in lieu of an upper division math course for the major. My Transfer Credit Petition was approved (in writing, through email or via Message Center) for that course.
  7. AP Physics “C” Mechanics, AP Stats, and/or AP Chemistry exam(s) and received a 4 or 5. I contacted the respective departments to get credit for Physics 1A, Stats 10, and/or Chem 20A.
  8. An equivalent course to one of the non-Math/PIC courses. My Transfer Credit Petition was approved (in writing, via email, or Message Center) for that course by the department that oversees that course.
  • For Cases 1-6: Math advisors are aware of these course substitutions and account for them when we review your petition to declare a math program or audit your coursework in your last quarter for graduation.
  • For Case 7 or 8: Please make sure the advisor of that department makes a note on your Record of Interview (ROI) about these approvals so that math advisors can account for them we review your petition to declare a math program or audit your coursework in your last quarter for graduation.

If any of the above applies to you, we will update your DARS by Friday of Week 7 of your LAST quarter at UCLA. Please run a new audit in Week 8 and visit us if there are still any discrepancies.


I took upper division courses for my non-math minor, but DARS is using these courses for my upper division math major. I need 20.0 exclusive units to the stats minor.

We will update your DARS by Friday of Week 7 of your LAST quarter at UCLA by excluding the courses that should be exclusive to your minor. E.g. If you are a stats minor, we will exclude 20.0 units of stats courses from your upper division math coursework.

Please run a new audit in Week 8 and visit us if there are still any discrepancies.

I can have 20.0 units of overlapping courses, but DARS is overlapping too many math courses between my majors.

We will update your DARS by Friday of Week 7 of your LAST quarter at UCLA by excluding some of your upper division courses from your math major. 

Please run a new audit in Week 8 and visit us if there are still any discrepancies.

1. Model Your DARS
  1. Go to DARS.
  2. Click Run Audit.
  3. Click “Select a Different Program.” 
  4. Select “College of Letters and Science – LS” and the term in which you plan to declare.
  5. Select your prospective program. This is called “modeling your DARS.” You can model three different majors and two minors to compare different major requirements all at once.
  6. Click Run Different Program. This will show you your pre-major and major course requirements. You can click on the courses to see its description and prerequisites.
2. Check the Tentative Schedule
  • Use our Tentative Schedule to see when we plan to offer each course. We try to keep our offerings as consistent as possible each year. Use the current school year’s tentative schedule as a soft guide to plan every quarter, but please remember that things may change based on our resources.
3. Fill Out the Degree Plan Contract
  • Fill in the Degree Plan Contract (DPC), using the list of courses from DARS and the tentative schedule. Remember that some courses have prerequisites and are offered in specific quarters.
    • List specific course numbers if the course is EXPLICITLY listed for your major.
      • E.g., Math 115A and 131A are specifically listed for every major. Math students should explicitly list Math 115A and 131A in their plan.
      • If you are listing a specific class, make sure you know what the prerequisites are. You can find prerequisites by clicking on the class name. A course catalog will pop up in a new window with details on the prerequisites and course description.
    • Upper division electives just need to be listed as “[Subject] UD.”
      • E.g., The math of computation major requires “6 upper division math electives” and “3 upper division computer science electives.” Math of Comp students should just list “Math UD” 6 times and “CS UD” 3 times in their plan.
4. Have an Advisor Review Your Plan