Boston University’s MS in Actuarial Science

As a UCAP-AC school, we’ve always covered most of the SoA’s ASA material and much of the CAS’ ACAS topics.

I also wanted you and your students to know that we are preparing to modify our degree program to continue to align with the recently-announced SoA syllabus changes.

You and your students can find out more at our website:

We’re holding a webinar about our program tomorrow, October 14 at 6PM (EDT). Information for the webinar is here: I realize that some of your interested students may not be available at that time, but I can forward a recording of the webinar later this month.

Some useful email addresses:

  • If your students have questions about our program and its courses, they can reach me at
  • If your students have questions about the admissions process or requirements, they can talk to our Department’s Graduate Admission Specialist, Kevin Ahern at
  • For any other questions about our program, your students can email Amy Johnson, the Actuarial Department’s Academic Program Manager at

2300 Murphy Hall - Box 951438 - Los Angeles, CA 90095-1438 © 2018