Interested students can apply to be a mentor from our website: https://www.wazoconnect.com/jointhefam/.
We train our mentors by CAPS, CARE, GRIT, LGBTQ+ Center and Psychology professors. All majors and years are welcome and no experience needed! For more information please visit our website www.wazoconnect.com, our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/wazoconnect/, or our Instagram @wazoconnect.
In addition to seeking mentors, we are also always looking to support students who are feeling lonely, stressed or overwhelmed and seek to be in a peer mentorship that can provide a more informal support system. We know that despite its hardest efforts, CAPS is under capacity and a lot of students cannot get the help they need. So, we want all students to know that a resource like this exists at any time during the academic year.
Our mentors are trained by CAPS, CARE, GRIT, LGBTQ+ Center and Psychology professors. Additionally, we are working with CAPS and UCLA Housing to reach out to students in need. Mentors meet with their mentees 1-3 hours a week and can accompany them to important appointments and meetings if requested. We also offer bi weekly activities to promote wellness to ALL students interested.
Interested students can sign up to get a peer mentor from our website: https://www.wazoconnect.com/jointhefam/.
For more information please visit our website www.wazoconnect.com, our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/wazoconnect/, or our Instagram @wazoconnect.
I’ve also attached our flyer below, which concisely summarizes everything in this email!
Sometimes what we are looking for isn’t medicine or therapy but just someone to listen to us and remind us that we are not alone. We are hoping to make all students feel supported and independent and we would appreciate your cooperation.