Zero Waste Challenge Sign-up: Want to win prizes and make an impact on sustainability at UCLA?

Dear Bruin Community,

Did you know that the average college student creates 640 pounds of trash annually? Some of our waste generation is out of our control. However, imagine if, for three weeks, every student, staff, and faculty member at UCLA threw their extra food in the compost instead of the landfill, or if they used reusable grocery bags instead of plastic ones. Reducing and efficiently managing our waste is a key step to reducing our own environmental footprint, and if each of us make some simple changes, together we can make an impact in the waste of the UCLA campus community. 

With this vision in mind, UCLA Zero Waste is launching our new Think Outside the Landfill Challenge! We will be announcing weekly events and challenges via our social media and newsletter, with each week focusing on a different theme. PSee below for our scheduled weekly themes and giveaways!

  • Week 7 (2/14-2/18): Food Week – Prizes: BPlate Cookbook, Trader Joe’s Gift Cards, Beeswax Wrap
  • Week 8 (2/21-2/25): Household – Prizes: Bamboo Toilet Paper, RefilleryLA Gift Card
  • Week 9 (2/28-3/4): Fashion – Prizes: Official UCLA Sample Merchandise/Apparel
  • …and more to come in Spring!

If you would like to learn more about how to incorporate low-waste strategies into your own life, show how you live and work sustainably, or earn a chance to win some prizes, please sign up for our challenge via our newsletter! You can also check out our website. We will be sending weekly challenges, information about in-person events,  and all you need to know to participate. 

Have questions or ideas? Reach out to us at

UCLA Zero Waste

2300 Murphy Hall - Box 951438 - Los Angeles, CA 90095-1438 © 2018