Mathematics Programs
majors, Minors, & Specializations
All pre-major & major courses MUST be taken for letter grades! Please see each the latest undergraduate handbook for further details on the course and letter grade requirements of each program. Detailed requirements are also listed in the UCLA General Catalog.
For more clarification on our major policies, contact Math Student Services.
Students who are planning to pursue graduate studies in mathematics or related fields are strongly encouraged to major in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or Mathematics of Computation.
Undergraduate Mathematics Handbooks
Current Handbook
Attention: Starting Spring 2025, Math 105C will accepted as an upper elective for the Applied Mathematics major. Students must be in-progress for Math 131A as a prerequisite at least one quarter before enrolling into Math 105C.
E.g., Students who are in progress for Math 131A in Winter 2025 or who have completed Math 131A before Winter 2025 can email if they’d like to enroll into Math 105C in Spring 2025.
Old Handbooks
Designed for students who are interested in the theory of mathematics. Pure mathematicians often pursue master and doctorate degree in mathematics in order to prepare for a career in research or university level teaching.
Students should review the general catalog for more detailed information.
Ideal for students who are interested in mathematics used in the physical, life and social sciences, and engineering, as well as practical applications in society, including business, finance, medicine and the internet. Students in this major frequently add the Specialization in Computing.
Students should review the general catalog for more detailed information.
Trains students, through theory and practice, in the mathematical, statistical, and computational principles of data science. Top graduates will be prepared for graduate studies in a field related to data science or an initial technical position in the field with leadership potential. In collaboration with Statistics, it is a capstone major with a data-based project in the senior year.
Designed for students interested in financial mathematics and its applications. Graduates typically go on to MFE/MBA programs, the actuarial field, banking and/or business.
Freshmen students who entered UCLA in Fall 2019 and forward must follow the new requirements, please click here
Freshmen students who entered UCLA between Fall 2013 and Fall 2018 and Transfers who entered Fall 2019, please click here
Students should review the general catalog for more detailed information.
Designed for individuals who are interested in the mathematical theory and the applications of computing. These students often seek employment in areas similar to the applied mathematicians.
Students should review the general catalog for more detailed information.
Designed for students who have a substantial interest in teaching mathematics at the secondary level. Visit the Curtis Center website for more information about other undergraduate teacher preparation programs such as the Joint Mathematics Education Program and the Subject Matter Preparation Program.
Students should review the general catalog for more detailed information.
Designed to give students a solid foundation in both mathematics and economics, stressing those areas of mathematics and statistics that are most relevant to economics and the parts of economics that emphasize the use of mathematics and statistics. It is ideal for students who may wish to complete a higher degree in economics.
Scope and Objectives
In recent years economics has become increasingly dependent on mathematical methods, and the mathematical tools it employs have become more sophisticated. Mathematically competent economists, with bachelor’s degrees and with advanced degrees, are needed in industry and government. Graduate programs in economics and finance programs in graduate schools of management require strong undergraduate preparation in mathematics for admission.
This degree program is designed to give students a solid foundation in both mathematics and economics, stressing those areas of mathematics and statistics that are most relevant to economics and the parts of economics that emphasize the use of mathematics and statistics.
Undergraduate Study
For students who declared the major from Fall 2015 to Summer 2016.
For students who declared the major in Fall 2016.
Students should review the general catalog for more detailed information.
Affiliated Majors
See the Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences/Math (AOS/Math) website for more information.
(Math Sciences Building 7127)
See the Computational and Systems Biology (CaSB) website for more information:
102 Hershey Hall
Designed to provide students who are non-math major the opportunity to widen their background and general comprehension of the role of mathematics in various disciplines. Students in a mathematics major cannot add the Mathematics minor.
Designed for students majoring in fields other than mathematics who plan to teach secondary mathematics after graduation. Mathematics minors are not available for students in a Mathematics for Teaching major.
The Department of Mathematics offers a Specialization in Computing. All mathematics majors can add the specialization except for Mathematics of Computation and Data Theory.
- Courses from the Specialization can overlap with its corresponding major, another major, and/or minor with no unit limitations.
- CS 31, 32, and 33 can substitute PIC 10A, 10B, and 10C, respectively.
Students should review the general catalog for more detailed information.
Departmental Scholars and Honors Programs
The Mathematics Departmental Scholars Program is the most advanced program offered to undergraduate mathematics majors. It provides excellent preparation for graduate school for exceptional students. Scholars complete both Bachelor’s (BS) and Master’s (MA) degrees, within a four-year period.
Admission to the Departmental Scholars Program is by application only. Students must apply before the end of the spring quarter of the junior year.
Applications which satisfy the conditions below, and which are submitted by the end of spring quarter of the junior year, are guaranteed consideration. Applications are reviewed and decided by the Undergraduate and Graduate program faculty, in consultation with other faculty.
To apply for the Departmental Scholars Programs, students must meet the following requirements:
- Be declared in a mathematics major and have fulfilled all premajor math requirements for that major
- Have completed 96 quarter course units or 24 courses at UCLA or another institution
- Have passed the Basic Exam
- Have completed the WII requirement
- Have at least a 3.6 gpa in all upper division math courses
- Have at least a 3.5 gpa overall in UCLA courses
- Have 2 letters of recommendation from Mathematics permanent faculty who have taught the student
- Have a detailed study plan for completing both the Bachelor’s degree and the Masters degree by the end of Year 4
- Have a Statement of Purpose, about one page but no more than two, which explains the student’s interest in the program
Note that these are the minimal requirements for application. Fulfilling them does not guarantee admission to the program.
To remain in the Departmental Scholars Program, students must meet the following requirements:
- Remain a UCLA mathematics student in good academic standing
- Maintain at least a 3.5 GPA in mathematics courses at all times
The following timeline is recommended for students in the Departmental Scholars Program:
First year at UCLA | Complete or have credit from another institution/standardized test (AP or IB Exams) all lower-division Calculus-based courses (Math 31A, 31B, 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B). If possible take 115AH in spring. |
Second year at UCLA | Complete pre-major courses, take Math 115AH (Honors Linear Algebra), Math 115B (Linear Algebra), Math 131AH (Honors Analysis) and 131BH (Honors Analysis).Take major honors courses in area in which you plan to take first grad courses. Begin preparation for Basic Exam (offered Sept. and March) using online copies of past exams. |
Third Year at UCLA | Pass the Basic Qualifying Exam. Apply to Scholars program no later than Spring Quarter. Complete remaining undergraduate math major courses, and most general UCLA required courses. Begin graduate courses, |
Fourth year at UCLA | Complete remaining graduate (and undergraduate) level coursework. |
The MA requirements include 11 additional courses, of which 8 must be graduate math courses. Typically, Scholars follow at least two of the Core graduate course sequences. These classes start in the fall quarter The normal course load for beginning graduate students is 3 math courses, with a least 2 in core sequences. In addition, candidates must fulfill all University level requirements. Note, in particular, that no course may be used to fulfill requirements for both degrees.
An important note on taking graduate courses as an undergraduate. Graduate courses which are taken more than two quarters prior to the quarter of application to the Scholars program may not be used for credit toward the Masters degree. Specifically, this means that if your application file is submitted to the Undergraduate Office and is complete in:
-Fall Quarter, then you can count any course taken in Winter or Spring Quarter of the previous year.
-Winter Quarter, then you can count any course taken in Fall quarter of the same year or Spring quarter of the previous year
-Spring Quarter, then you can count any course taken in Winter or Fall Quarter of the same year.
Please use these rules in planning your studies and please consult with Connie Jung, or either the Graduate or Undergraduate Vice chair, if you have any questions. Graduate courses may be used to fulfill undergraduate major electives, even if they were taken too early to be used for the Masters degree.
More information on the Basic Exam, including old exams and dates of upcoming exams:
Contact ugrad[at] with questions.
Honors Program in Mathematics
Admission to the Program:
To be considered for admission to the Honors Program in Mathematics, a student must:
- be officially enrolled in the Mathematics major;
- have completed at least four courses at UCLA in the Mathematics Department from those required in the “Preparation for the Major” or Major; and
- have at least a 3.6 GPA in such mathematics courses taken at UCLA.
Requirements For Honors At Graduation:
The student must have completed, in addition to usual course requirements:
- Mathematics 115AH, 131AH, 131BH, 132H, 110AH, 110BH and 110C;
- One of the following:
- Mathematics 191; or
- take, as an approved active participant, any graduate seminar offered by the Department of Mathematics; or
- submit an original project, which can be done as part of a regular course, a special course (Mathematics 199), or by special arrangement.
- Earn a 3.6 GPA or higher in approved upper division and graduate mathematics courses
Original Project:
- The project should involve some aspects of mathematical theory.
- The project is to be carried out under the sponsorship of a faculty advisor.
- The project may be done as part of a regular course, a special course (Mathematics 199), Summer REU project or by a special arrangement.
- No later than one quarter prior to graduation, the student must submit a project proposal to the Honors Committee for approval. The project itself must be submitted not later than the fifth week of the last quarter before graduation.
- The Honors Committee will evaluate the project in consultation with the faculty sponsor, and may at it’s discretion, require a personal presentation by the student.
- Upper division seminars in Mathematics automatically count as mathematics electives for the major.
Requirements For Highest Honors At Graduation:
In addition to the above, the student must:
- complete at least one approved graduate mathematics course; and
- earn a 3.8 GPA or higher in approved upper division and graduate mathematics courses.
This Honors Program is independent of the honors sections of the mathematics courses. Graduation with Honors in Mathematics is also distinct from graduation with College Honors. Applications for the Honors Program in Mathematics are available in the Student Services Office, 6356 Math Sciences. If you have any questions about the program, or special requests, you are welcome to consult any members of the Mathematics Honors Committee, or see an Undergraduate Mathematics Counselor in 6356 Math Sciences.
December 2007
Honors Program in Applied Mathematics
Admission to the Program:
To be considered for admission to the Honors Program in Applied Mathematics, a student must:
- be officially enrolled in the Applied Mathematics major;
- have completed at least four courses at UCLA in the Mathematics Department from those required in the “Preparation for the Major” or Major; and
- have at least a 3.6 GPA in such mathematics courses taken at UCLA.
Requirements For Honors At Graduation:
1. The student must have completed:
Mathematics 115AH, 131AH, 131BH, and 132H AND
One of the following three quarter sequences:
- Mathematics 151AB and any course 152-159;
- 170AB and 171;
- Statistics 100ABC; or
- 3 from Mathematics 133, 134, 135, 136, 146.
(Other appropriate courses may be substituted for this requirement upon approval of the Honors Committee.)
2. The student must either:
- submit an original project as described below; or
- take, as an approved active participant, any upper division or graduate seminar offered by the Department of Mathematics. Such participation is described below.
3. The student must have a GPA of at least 3.6 in upper division mathematics and statistics courses taken for the major.
Original Project:
- The project should involve some aspects of mathematical theory.
- The project is to be carried out under the sponsorship of a faculty advisor.
- The project may be done as part of a regular course, a special course (Mathematics 199), Summer REU project or by a special arrangement.
- No later than one quarter prior to graduation, the student must submit a project proposal to the Honors Committee for approval. The project itself must be submitted not later than the fifth week of the last quarter before graduation.
- The Honors Committee will evaluate the project in consultation with the faculty sponsor, and may at it’s discretion, require a personal presentation by the student.
Approval as an active participant requires all of the following:
- two lectures;
- a written statement, signed by the instructor, describing the nature of the participation. This statement must be submitted to the Honors Committee no later than the end of the quarter in which the seminar is given or the fifth week of the last quarter before graduation, whichever is sooner;
- approval of the Honors Committee.
- Upper division seminars in Mathematics automatically count as mathematics electives for the major.
Requirements For Highest Honors At Graduation:
In addition to the above:
- Students who demonstrate exceptional achievement will be awarded Highest Honors.
- Decisions regarding projects, seminar participation, and Highest Honors will be made by the Honors Committee.
This Honors Program is independent of the honors sections of the mathematics courses. Graduation with Honors in Mathematics is also distinct from graduation with College Honors. Applications for the Honors Program in Mathematics are available in the Student Services Office, 6356 Math Sciences. If you have any questions about the program, or special requests, you are welcome to consult any members of the Mathematics Honors Committee, or see an Undergraduate Mathematics Counselor in 6356 Math Sciences.
December 2007
Honors Program in Financial Actuarial Mathematics
Admission to the Program:
To be considered for admission to the Honors Program in Financial Actuarial Mathematics, a student must:
- be officially enrolled in the Financial Actuarial Mathematics major;
- have completed all of the “Preparation for the Major” courses;
- have at least a 3.5 GPA in the Mathematics “Preparation for the Major” courses;
- have at least a 3.5 GPA in the Economics “Preparation for the Major” courses
Requirements For Honors At Graduation:
- Complete Mathematics 115AH, 131AH and 131BH;
- Complete Mathematics 170AB and 171;
- Complete Mathematics 172ABC and 173AB.
(Other appropriate courses may be substituted for this requirement upon approval of the Honors Committee.) - The student must either:
- submit an original project as described below; or
- take, as an approved active participant, any upper division or graduate seminar offered by the Department of Mathematics. Such participation is described below.
5. The student must have a GPA of at least 3.6 in upper division mathematics and economics/statistics courses (calculated separately) taken for the major.
Original Project:
- The project should involve some aspects of mathematical theory.
- The project is to be carried out under the sponsorship of a faculty advisor.
- The project may be done as part of a regular course, a special course (Mathematics 199), Summer REU project or by a special arrangement.
- The project may be done by enrolling in Economics 198A for preparation for Economics 198B (the thesis process requires enrollment in a two-quarter sequence of Economics courses).
- Present thesis in Economics 198B.
- No later than one quarter prior to graduation, the student must submit a project proposal to the Honors Committee for approval. The project itself must be submitted not later than the fifth week of the last quarter before graduation.
- The Honors Committee will evaluate the project in consultation with the faculty sponsor, and may at its discretion, require a personal presentation by the student.
Approval as an active participant requires all of the following:
- two lectures;
- a written statement, signed by the instructor, describing the nature of the participation. This statement must be submitted to the Honors Committee no later than the end of the quarter in which the seminar is given or the fifth week of the last quarter before graduation, whichever is sooner;
- approval of the Honors Committee.
Requirements For Highest Honors At Graduation:
In addition to the above:
- Students who demonstrate exceptional achievement will be awarded Highest Honors.
- Decisions regarding projects, seminar participation, and Highest Honors will be made by the Honors Committee.
This Honors Program is independent of the honors sections of the mathematics courses. Graduation with Honors in Mathematics is also distinct from graduation with College Honors. Applications for the Honors Program in Mathematics are available in the Student Services Office, 6356 Math Sciences. If you have any questions about the program, or special requests, you are welcome to consult any members of the Mathematics Honors Committee, or see an Undergraduate Mathematics Counselor in 6356 Math Sciences.
September 2013
Honors Program in Mathematics of Computation
Admission to the Program:
To be considered for admission to the Honors Program in Mathematics of Computation, a student must:
- be officially enrolled in the Mathematics of Computation major;
- have completed at least four courses at UCLA in the Mathematics Department from those required in the “Preparation for the Major” or Major; and
- have at least a 3.6 GPA in such mathematics courses taken at UCLA.
Requirements For Honors At Graduation:
1. The student must have completed:
Mathematics 115AH, 131AH, 131BH and 132H; and
- Mathematics 151AB and any one course from 152-159 and
- Mathematics 134, 135, and any one course from 133, 136 or 146.
2. The student must either:
- submit an original project as described below; or
- take, as an approved active participant, any upper division or graduate seminar offered by the Department of Mathematics. Such participation is described below.
3. The student must have a GPA of at least 3.6 in upper division mathematics and statistics courses taken for the major.
Original Project:
- The project should involve some aspects of mathematical theory.
- The project is to be carried out under the sponsorship of a faculty advisor.
- The project may be done as part of a regular course, a special course (Mathematics 199), Summer REU project or by a special arrangement.
- No later than one quarter prior to graduation, the student must submit a project proposal to the Honors Committee for approval. The project itself must be submitted not later than the fifth week of the last quarter before graduation.
- The Honors Committee will evaluate the project in consultation with the faculty sponsor, and may at it’s discretion, require a personal presentation by the student.
- Upper division seminars in Mathematics automatically count as mathematics electives for the major.
Requirements For Highest Honors At Graduation:
In addition to the above, the student must:
- earn a 3.8 GPA or higher in approved upper division and graduate mathematics courses.
- Decisions regarding projects, seminar participation, and Highest Honors will be made by the Honors Committee.
This Honors Program is independent of the honors sections of the mathematics courses. Graduation with Honors in Mathematics is also distinct from graduation with College Honors. Applications for the Honors Program in Mathematics are available in the Student Services Office, 6356 Math Sciences. If you have any questions about the program, or special requests, you are welcome to consult any members of the Mathematics Honors Committee, or see an Undergraduate Mathematics Counselor in 6356 Math Sciences.
December 2007
Honors Program in Mathematics/Economics
Admission to the Program:
To be considered for admission to the Honors Program in Mathematics/Economics, a student must:
- be officially enrolled in the Mathematics/Economics major;
- have completed all of the “Preparation for the Major” courses;
- have at least a 3.5 GPA in the Mathematics “Preparation for the Major” courses;
- have at least a 3.5 GPA in the Economics “Preparation for the Major” courses; and
- have completed Econ 11, Econ 101 and Econ 102 with an overall GPA of 3.5.
Requirements For Honors At Graduation:
- Complete Mathematics 115AH;
- Complete Mathematics 131AH and 131BH;
- Enroll in Economics 198A for preparation for Economics 198B (the thesis process requires enrollment in a two-quarter sequence of Economics courses).
- Present thesis in Economics 198B.
- Complete major requirements with at least a 3.5 GPA in the upper division Mathematics courses.
- Complete major requirements with at least a 3.5 GPA in the upper division Economics courses.
Requirements For Highest Honors At Graduation:
In addition to the above:
- Highest honors, awarded at the discretion of the Mathematics Departmental Honors Committee and the Mathematics-Economics IDP Committee, in consultation with the Economics Department, and are based on grade-point average and quality of the senior thesis.
This Honors Program is independent of the honors sections of the mathematics courses. Graduation with Honors in Mathematics is also distinct from graduation with College Honors. Applications for the Honors Program in Mathematics/Economics are available in the Student Services Office, 6356 Math Sciences. If you have any questions about the program, or special requests, you are welcome to consult any members of the Mathematics Honors Committee, or see an Undergraduate Mathematics Counselor in 6356 Math Sciences.
January 2011
For more information, contact student services, ugrad[at]
If you are declared into a math program (major, minor, or specialization) and DARS is not recognizing some of your completed coursework for the program, please check below to see if these scenarios apply to you.
- CS 31, 32, and 33 in lieu of PIC 10A, 10B, and 10C, respectively
- Math 170E and 170S in lieu of Math 170A and 170B, respectively
- PIC 16B for the specialization in computing
- An IB Math exam. I have written approval (via email or Message Center) that I will be waived from Math 31A and/or Math 31B.
- An equivalent course to one of the Math/PIC courses. My Transfer Credit Petitionwas approved (in writing, via email, or Message Center) for that course.
- A graduate course in lieu of an upper division math course for the major. My Transfer Credit Petition was approved (in writing, through email or via Message Center) for that course.
- AP Physics “C” Mechanics, AP Stats, and/or AP Chemistry exam(s) and received a 4 or 5. I contacted the respective departments to get credit for Physics 1A, Stats 10, and/or Chem 20A.
- An equivalent course to one of the non-Math/PIC courses. My Transfer Credit Petition was approved (in writing, via email, or Message Center) for that course by the department that oversees that course.
- For Cases 1-6: Math advisors are aware of these course substitutions and account for them when we review your petition to declare a math program or audit your coursework in your last quarter for graduation.
- For Case 7 or 8: Please make sure the advisor of that department makes a note on your Record of Interview (ROI) about these approvals so that math advisors can account for them we review your petition to declare a math program or audit your coursework in your last quarter for graduation.
If any of the above applies to you, we will update your DARS by Friday of Week 7 of your LAST quarter at UCLA. Please run a new audit in Week 8 and visit us if there are still any discrepancies.
I took upper division courses for my non-math minor, but DARS is using these courses for my upper division math major. I need 20.0 exclusive units to the stats minor.
We will update your DARS by Friday of Week 7 of your LAST quarter at UCLA by excluding the courses that should be exclusive to your minor. E.g. If you are a stats minor, we will exclude 20.0 units of stats courses from your upper division math coursework.
Please run a new audit in Week 8 and visit us if there are still any discrepancies.
I can have 20.0 units of overlapping courses, but DARS is overlapping too many math courses between my majors.
We will update your DARS by Friday of Week 7 of your LAST quarter at UCLA by excluding some of your upper division courses from your math major.
Please run a new audit in Week 8 and visit us if there are still any discrepancies.
1. Model Your DARS
- Go to DARS.
- Click Run Audit.
- Click “Select a Different Program.”
- Select “College of Letters and Science – LS” and the term in which you plan to declare.
- Select your prospective program. This is called “modeling your DARS.” You can model three different majors and two minors to compare different major requirements all at once.
- Click Run Different Program. This will show you your pre-major and major course requirements. You can click on the courses to see its description and prerequisites.
2. Check the Tentative Schedule
- Use our Tentative Schedule to see when we plan to offer each course. We try to keep our offerings as consistent as possible each year. Use the current school year’s tentative schedule as a soft guide to plan every quarter, but please remember that things may change based on our resources.
3. Fill Out the Degree Plan Contract
- Fill in the Degree Plan Contract (DPC), using the list of courses from DARS and the tentative schedule. Remember that some courses have prerequisites and are offered in specific quarters.
- List specific course numbers if the course is EXPLICITLY listed for your major.
- E.g., Math 115A and 131A are specifically listed for every major. Math students should explicitly list Math 115A and 131A in their plan.
- If you are listing a specific class, make sure you know what the prerequisites are. You can find prerequisites by clicking on the class name. A course catalog will pop up in a new window with details on the prerequisites and course description.
- Upper division electives just need to be listed as “[Subject] UD.”
- E.g., The math of computation major requires “6 upper division math electives” and “3 upper division computer science electives.” Math of Comp students should just list “Math UD” 6 times and “CS UD” 3 times in their plan.
- List specific course numbers if the course is EXPLICITLY listed for your major.
4. Have an Advisor Review Your Plan
- See Academic Advising Hours for our hours or email your plan to ugrad[at]
All mathematics preparation (pre-major) courses for mathematics majors (with the exception of the three majors below) must be passed with a “C” or better and an overall pre-major GPA of 2.5. All pre-major & major courses MUST be taken for letter grades!
Data Theory
- All pre-major courses must be passed with a “C” or better and an overall pre-major GPA of 3.3. Math 115A is included as a pre-major course and must be passed with a “C” or better.
Financial Actuarial Mathematics
- Each pre-major course must be passed with a “C” or better. Pre-major GPAs for mathematics and economics courses are calculated separately, and both pre-major GPAs must meet a minimum 2.5.
- Each pre-major course must be passed with a “C” or better. Pre-major GPAs for mathematics and economics courses are calculated separately, and both pre-major GPAs must meet a minimum 2.7.
Each pre-major has a corresponding major. All students must declare a math major before completing 160.0 units (minus AP credit).
All mathematics majors (with the exception of Data Theory) must pass Math 115A with a “C-” or better. All mathematics majors (except Data Theory) must pass Math 131A with a “C-” or better.
Financial Actuarial Mathematics and Mathematics/Economics majors must pass Econ 101 and 102 with a “C-” or better.
Detailed requirements are listed in the general catalog. For more information, contact Student Services: ugrad[at]
Students who are planning to pursue graduate studies in mathematics or related fields are strongly encouraged to major in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or Mathematics of Computation.