Heart in Hand LA

Dear Bruins,

During these unprecedented times in our society, thousands of disadvantaged individuals in our communities are at risk of significant health repercussions or even death. While the majority of our country has the basic necessities to protect themselves from COVID-19, the vulnerable populations of Los Angeles need help to keep themselves safe.

Heart in Hand LA is a student-run community service group founded by UCLA students in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We seek to create safer living conditions for those experiencing homelessness, as well as undocumented students and ethnic minorities during a time when they need it most. We strive to achieve this goal by providing these communities with homemade masks, hygiene packages, clean clothes, food, water, and health/social work-related resources.

If you are interested in joining our organization, we would love to provide you with further information. To get started please:

  1.  Fill out the volunteer application: https://forms.gle/N4ygnSTZ71T1dojRA
  2. Add the events calendar to your personal calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/3?cid=YWk3bmo2Y2tjZWI2OGl0cXM4ajNwOXVhYmtAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
  3. Join our Slack Channel: https://heartinhandla.slack.com/archives/C016CSX3VEV
  4. Follow us on Instagram & Facebook: @heartinhandla

If you have any questions, you can contact us on our website at heartinhand.ucla@gmail.com.


Heart in Hand LA


2300 Murphy Hall - Box 951438 - Los Angeles, CA 90095-1438 © 2018