Stanford University Mathematics Camp Staff Applications
We are actively recruiting undergraduates, recent grads, and graduate students to work as Teaching Assistants for the Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) this summer! We have numerous open positions and encourage your students to apply as soon as possible for full consideration:
- SUMaC Online TA, Program II
- SUMaC Residential Counselor, Program I or Program II
- SUMaC Head Counselor, Program I or Program II
The position descriptions are linked above and employment dates can be found here, along with the direct link to the application. Below, you will find a list of the math topics that our staff should be familiar with for each program. Please feel free to direct any questions to
This is an exciting opportunity to mentor and inspire academically motivated high school students curious about math. Along the way, we hope our staff are also able to further grow their passion for mathematics, sharing their interests and knowledge in a supportive, diverse, and inclusive community.
Please be advised of the topics candidates for the SUMaC program should be familiar with.
Program I: Abstract Algebra and Number Theory
- A standard course in abstract algebra or modern algebra is considered a minimum requirement; however, a candidate who has taken an undergraduate course in number theory with topics in algebra covered in other courses may qualify
- Groups: product groups, subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms, isomorphisms
- Rings
- Fields including finite fields and field extensions
- Vector spaces
- Modular arithmetic
- Introductory Number Theory
- Cryptography
Program II: Algebraic Topology
- Groups: product groups, subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms, isomorphisms, free groups, free products
- Point-set topology
- Topology of surfaces, including quotient topology/ID spaces
- Euler characteristic of a surface, and classification of compact surfaces
- Fundamental group and some familiarity of higher homotopy groups
- Selfert-Van Kampen theorem
- Homology groups, in particular, simplicial homology
- Mayer-Vietoris sequence