student groups

Undergraduate Mathematics Student Association (UMSA)
The UCLA Undergraduate Mathematics Students’ Association (UMSA) is an officially recognized university club for mathematics majors and students who are interested in mathematics. UMSA was established in response to students’ desire to have a “connection” to the Mathematics Department. The organization has an unparalleled network of alumni, faculty, and professionals that support the growth of our members.
Bruin Actuarial Society (BAS)
We are dedicated to informing fellow Bruins who are interested in the Actuarial field. We also serve as a support group for motivated students who plan on taking Actuarial exams and want to find internships/jobs in the field. Find out why Actuaries are consistently considered one of the best jobs in the U.S. according to the Job Rated Almanac.

Undergraduate Math COUNCIL (UMc)
The UCLA Undergraduate Mathematics Council (UMC) is a council made up of undergraduate math students to foster more effective and streamlined communication between students and the Math department and to ensure that students’ needs are being addressed appropriately and in a timely manner.

graduate student outreach (gso)
In addition to fostering social get-togethers, GSO offers professional development through its weekly seminars where students present various math topics to an audience. “The GSO seminars are a good introduction to what you will do in the future,” says Ian. “You can give a mathematical talk and get a sense of where you need to improve in addition to sharing something that you’re passionate about.” GSO also provides best practices and posts teaching tips on its Wiki page.
women in math (Wim)
Women in Math (WIM) at the UCLA math department is an informal group of women graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and visitors. We regularly hold lunches, dinners, and other social gatherings with the goal of fostering community and providing support for the women in the department.