Study Math at UCLA this summer!

The UCLA Mathematics Department is pleased to offer in-person, online, and hybrid classes this summer! We are also excited to introduce our new pre-college summer institute for high school students, Discovering College Math Summer Institute. 

Information on enrollment can be found in the link below:

Learn more about all that is offered during summer session below:

course list

Session A (6/23 to 8/1)

Session C (8/4 to 9/12)

Program Dates: July 14, 2025 – August 1, 2025

The goal of the Discovering College Math Summer Institute is to introduce students to mathematics as a creative, problem-solving activity that combines rigor, invention and elegance. The focus of this inaugural institute is on discrete mathematics. In contrast to calculus — the mathematics of real functions and their limits — discrete math is the study of countable sets. In addition to being full of interesting and beautiful ideas, discrete mathematics has many useful applications, from the coding and design of computers, to winning at many popular games, to understanding the tens of thousands of genes that make us healthy (or sick).

Students in this intensive program will learn discrete math through a combination of math circle activities, pioneered by instructors from the UCLA Olga Radko Endowed Math Circle, college-style lectures and small group problem solving. The institute will also include a panel on student experiences at UCLA, faculty research lectures, an afternoon of mathematical games and a concluding math fair, open to friends and family members.


Have any questions or want to speak with someone directly? Curious about our new Pre-College Summer Institute?

Join us at one of our informational sessions hosted via Zoom. UCLA Math Professor and summer mentor, Dr. Marcus Roper will be hosting two sessions: March 11th, 2025 at 7 pm and March 27th, 2025 at 7 pm.

Please register below in order to receive the Zoom link: 


Tyler Arant
Elisa Negrini
Jukka Keränen
Marcus and Parker on the stairs
Marcus Roper

In 6 years as a UCLA math instructor, Tyler Arant has taught students ranging from freshmen to graduate students, and classes from calculus and probability through to algebra and analysis. He received his PhD from UCLA, and his BS in mathematics from UC Berkeley. His research is about the intersection of computability theory and descriptive set theory. He is one of the department’s most lauded instructors, including receiving the Liggett Teaching Award in 2022. In the classroom, he strives to combine mathematical rigor, deep understanding of the obstacles to learning, and activities and differentiated materials that provide challenge and interest to all students.

Pre-College Summer Institute

Elisa Negrini is an Assistant Adjunct Professor at UCLA who received her PhD from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Applied Mathematics. Dr. Negrini is passionate about teaching both lower and upper division classes with her favorites being Differential Equations and Numerical Methods classes. Her research focuses on deep learning algorithms for forward and inverse problems for partial differential equations and optimal transport. In her free time Dr. Negrini enjoys rock climbing and backpacking.

Math 151A

Jukka Keränen received his bachelors degree from Princeton University, a masters degree in mathematics from Cambridge University, a PhD degree in philosophy of mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh, and a PhD degree in mathematics from UCLA. In addition to his research work in philosophy and number theory, Jukka has a deep passion for teaching. He was involved in developing an innovative introductory course on mathematical modeling aimed at life sciences majors; due to its impact on STEM retention, this course has been featured in numerous publications, including Scientific American. His work in teaching has been recognized by multiple awards, including the prestigious My Last Lecture award. When not thinking about math or philosophy, Jukka likes to run and build LEGO (though usually not at the same time).

Math 31A and Math 106

Marcus Roper is a Professor of Mathematics and Computational Medicine. Prior to joining the UCLA faculty in 2011, he received BA and MMath degrees in Mathematics from Cambridge University and a PhD in Applied Math from Harvard University. His research work on blood flows in mammal brains, the dispersal of fungal spores, and the intelligence of slime molds and has been featured by the NY Times and Scientific American. He particularly relishes teaching introductory classes; he co-wrote a popular textbook for life science students learning calculus and won the Sorgenfrey Distinguished Teaching Award in 2019. In his spare time, he teaches classes for the Olga Radko Endowed Math Circle.

Math 33B and Pre-College Summer Institute