UndocuBruins Research Program for AAP Students

The UndocuBruins Research Program guides undocumented AAP students in their junior or senior year to develop research experience and their graduate school goals. Participants undertake a research project under the guidance of a graduate mentor and a faculty mentor. UndocuBruins will also develop their graduate school applications- curriculum vita, draft personal and professional statements, learn how to obtain strong letters of recommendation, etc. Students who are interested in graduate school and who would like to learn about how to conduct academic research are strongly encouraged to apply. We are currently recruiting for the 2023-2024 cohort.

See How to Apply and Program Timeline.

Application Due: Nov 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM

Informational Session: Nov 1 from 1 – 2 PM (See flyer in attachment for QR Code to RSVP)


Contact: Monica Alferez Merino, malferezmerino[at]college.ucla.edu