
In Memorium: Rodolfo De Sapio
Associate Professor Emeritus Rodolfo (Rudy) Vittorio De Sapio passed away on January 24, 2017 due to complications arising from cancer of the bladder. Rudy joined the UCLA Department

In Memoriam: Edward Effros
It is with great regret that the Mathematics Department must note the passing, at age 84, of our colleague Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Research Professor Edward Effros on

Professor Mason Porter publishes findings on reducing congestion in supermarkets
Using population-level mobility models, UCLA mathematics professor Mason Porter and his collaborators investigated customer mobility flow between supermarket zones. Previously, similar types of models have been used

UCLA Math Alumnus Jacob Bedrossian to receive first Peter Lax Award
UCLA mathematics alumnus and professor of mathematics (University of Maryland) Jacob Bedrossian has been selected to receive the first Peter Lax Award for his achievements in mathematical

Professor Tao to receive the first Riemann Prize in Mathematics
Professor Terence Tao will be awarded the 2020 Riemann Prize in Mathematics, established this year by Italy’s Riemann International School of Mathematics, which promotes fundamental

Professor Fletcher named 2019-2020 Radcliffe Institute Fellow
The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University reports a 3.7% acceptance rate for its highly competitive Radcliffe’s Fellowship Program. UCLA statistics, electrical and

Profs. Peter Petersen and Romyar T. Sharifi named 2020 AMS Fellows
Two UCLA mathematics professors have been named 2020 Fellows of the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Peter Petersen has been selected for “contributions to Riemannian geometry and geometric

Conference to Celebrate Fifty Years of the Tomita-Takesaki Theory
Next year marks the 50th anniversary of publication of Professor Masamichi Takesaki’s Springe Lecture Notes volume, “Tomita’s theory of modular Hilbert algebras and its applications.” Tomita–Takesaki theory

PhD student Michelle Feng awarded JSMF’s 2019 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
UCLA mathematics PhD student Michelle Feng has been selected for the prestigious James S. McDonnell Foundation (JSMF) 2019 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award. The fellowship is part