
UCLA Math Alum Thomas Hou ’87 and Mathematician Jiajie Chen Solves Centuries Old Fluid Equation
“Hou, later joined by Chen, took advantage of the fact that, upon closer analysis, the approximate solution from 2013 seemed to have a special structure.

Professor Terence Tao wins Global Australian of the Year award
Professor Terence Tao has been named Global Australian of the Year by — a federally funded organization that highlights the work of Australian high achievers. “Despite

Assistant Professor Joaquin Moraga joins the Department
Joaquin Moraga will be joining the department as an assistant professor in July 2022. He earned his PhD in Mathematics at the University of Utah

UCLA Computer Science Professor Amit Sahai to join the Department
UCLA Computer Science Professor Amit Sahai will begin a new joint appointment in the Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science this Fall. Amit Sahai is

Professor Wilfrid Gangbo and Professor Emeritus Haruzo Hida Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Professor Wilfrid Gangbo and Professor Emeritus Haruzo Hida have been elected as Class of 2022 members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. This

In Memoriam: Robert Brown
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our colleague Professor Emeritus Robert Brown on Friday, April 8, 2022. Bob joined the

Professor Tim Austin receives 2021 Ostrowski Prize
“The Ostrowski Prize for 2021 is awarded to Tim Austin for his outstanding work in a remarkably broad array of fields, including probability theory, ergodic

UCLA Putnam Team ranks #4 out of 427 institutions
In the 2021 Putnam Mathematical Competition, the UCLA team (Ciprian Bonciocat, Runze Yu, and Jacob B. Zhang) were ranked #4 out of 427 institutions. Individually,

Professor Guido Montúfar awarded 2022 Sloan Research Fellowship
UCLA Mathematics and Statistics Assistant Professor Guido Montúfar was awarded the 2022 Sloan Research Fellowship. Eight UCLA professors were selected among 118 scientists and scholars,