research for undergraduates

Many deadlines for research programs at other universities occur during Winter Quarter.
- David Harold Blackwell Summer Research Institute
- The Blackwell Summer Research Institute is designed to provide research experience to talented undergraduate students who aspire to obtain PhD’s in the mathematical sciences, and guide them to a path towards the most competitive graduate programs in the country. Our long-term goal is to increase the number of talented researchers and teachers in mathematical and computer sciences.
- A six-week competitive summer activity designed to provide research experience to talented undergraduate students. Students will conduct research in Applied Probability, Analysis, or Computer Science, under the supervision of faculty members who are experts in these areas
- Will take place on the UCLA and UC Berkeley campuses. Learn more at:
- DIMACS REU: Research Experience for Undergraduates
- DRP: Directed Reading Program in Mathematics
- UCLA graduate students in mathematics recently started a directed reading program, which pairs undergraduate students with graduate students to study a topic that is not typically covered in the undergraduate curriculum. While the DRP is not research based, it helps develop skills necessary to do research, such as reading and learning more advanced mathematics independently. Find more information here:
- IPAM “RIPS”: Research in Industrial Projects for Students
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Math (IPAM), which is located on UCLA’s campus, typically hosts several industry-oriented REU programs.
- NSF (National Science Foundation) REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
- REU: Research Experience for Undergraduates
- These are research programs that occur during the summer and are specifically intended to expose undergraduates to research. These programs can be very competitive. If you are hoping to participate in an REU, we recommend applying to a number of different programs. The National Science Foundation has a list of many of these programs:
- An Applied Math REU is typically hosted at UCLA. The following link describes some of the 2018 REU projects:
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Math (IPAM), which is located on UCLA’s campus, typically hosts several industry-oriented REU programs (
- URC: Undergraduate Research Center
- UCLA has an undergraduate Research Center. They have additional resources and programs aimed at promoting undergraduate research.
General information about undergraduate research at UCLA can also be found at
- Visit the website by young scientists for young scientists at
Reaching out to Professors
You can also reach out to professors, especially those with whom you have taken classes about potential research opportunities. The Undergraduate Research Center has advice on how to do so Honors classes are also likely to be smaller and taught by full professors, so these are good choices if you are interested in getting involved with research in a specific area.